
StockholmSteetStyle... +My opinion

I guess I just welcomed some kind of a new rubric to my blog. I visit the stockholmstreetstyle-blog a lot, and in my case, the pictures I see are coupled with personal thoughts about the outfits. So I guess it might be a fun try-out to combine those two. I'd say: Enjoy my thoughts!
I have to confess that normally I'm not really into two different prints in one outfit, but somehow these prints match, though they aren't the same. Then I don't really get the clue of the blue/green bracelet on her left arm, I couldn't find something in a matching colour. Sometimes it's really cool to have some kind of a stunning accessory, to make an outfit special, but if that was the 'mission' of the bracelet, she had to wear a more subdued outfit, like all black and then the bracelet. Well, that's my opinion :).
If that little dog wouldn't wear this strange purple vest, I'd like the picture even more. But I have nothing negative to say about the outfit. These shoes are so nice! (I want them...). I'd wear the very same outfit to school, well, without the necklace. I still don't get the hype of wearing these kind of necklaces when you don't believe in Christ. Though, it cóuld be that she actually believes in God. However, the shoes are still awesome <3.
And again: Stunning shoes. This is exactly what I mean of a basic outfit with stunning shoes. The wrapped-thing of her vest make it any better. Oh, I got almost the same pants, but mine aren't all (fake)leather, but a fabric I can not describe and on my knees fake leather pads.

What do you think?

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